Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hill's First Monogram

I have so many talented friends and one of them brought me ...I mean Hill... his first monogrammed burp cloth. How fun and exciting to see his name written out!
What a fun Ole Miss 'H' that his daddy and grandpa will love so much that maybe they will even burp him? Or change a diaper....or stay up during the night with him...ok I won't press my luck.
Anyway, thank you dear Cindy at Just Sew Sweet Designs you are too kind. I love it and you! Hill even gave a good kick kick flip to show his appreciation. He knows it took a lot for you to sew that Rebel material on there for him. He wouldn't be opposed to an MSU one just so he could spit up on it. Ha! Kidding! Not really.


DenKag said...

That's why you get him MSU DIAPERS. :)

Leah Maria said...

Too cute!