Tuesday, September 08, 2009

We All Must Suffer

Sorry guys, I am punishing myself for not having finished the 4 million 6 hundred and forty two thousand thank you notes I have to write. Until I finish writing them I can't update my blog.

It's torture for me. I crave to post. Even at 3am when I can't sleep. We did nothing eventful this past weekend. Pretty much didn't remove ourselves from the couch (and procrastinated on the thank you notes.) I did eat a lot of party food. I love party food as much as I love blogging.

Watched the MS State game on Saturday, because I don't discriminate and ate party food. Then Sunday watched the Ole Miss game because I love it and ate party food. Then yesterday I missed out on the Country Club festivities to go to Jackson and register at Babies R Us.

Wow, that took like 2-3 hours. I was exhausted after that. I have no idea where I am going to put any of this stuff even if I get a third of it...but we will cross that bridge when we get there. I tried to get not just little baby stuff, but toddler stuff too. Baby Hill says Thanks Mrs. Whitney for helping him pick out all the necessary things to survive. Also, thanks to Mrs. Whitney and Mrs. Tasha our little Hill does not lack in the clothing department. I have enough clothes to cover all the naked little babies in the three surrounding counties as well. Which is why I registered for the necessities like diapers, wipes, booger wipes, bottles, dreft stain pens and disposable placemats. Those seemed useful. I may have gotten carried away? I still need to register at Target because I am sure things there may be a tad bit cheaper and I found a toy box that I want 2 of. Then of course Wal-Mart because diapers and food and wipes are necessary and convenient.

I feel like a self centered hoochie impregnated greed monster for registering and then talking about it but so many people have asked me about it and also when in Rome.....

Ok, so I snuck in a little blogging even though I am in trouble with myself. I guess I will just have to leave you all wondering about the thoughts I had this morning between the hours of 1:00 am until 3:30 am on Hill's room. It requires help from my creative friends...and maybe a monkey or two...........

1 comment:

Susie S said...

So I'm not alone in the 2-3 am wide awake sessions? I need to start bringing my computer home so we can chat during those times! I guess baby is just preparing me for the future. Up peeing about 3 times and then wide awake for at least an hour in between. super fun.