Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What's That Boy Up To?

Hill is a traveler, as you know, and hasn’t stopped since birth; which in turn means his mommy is awful at posting on the blog!

I will start with our whole month of July. So, put on your pj’s and grap a fountain coke because this is going to be a long post.  (For those of you that want visuals, they come towards the end of the post.)

July was busy busy. We started out the first day of the month with a tooth! Hill and I were sitting in his rocking chair and he put my hand in his mouth as if to say...LADY, LOOK! I HAVE A TOOTH! He bit down on my hand and I felt that little booger. I inspected and he had one tooth on the bottom right with the bottom left tooth about to join in the fun (which it did about 2 days later.) Hill never fussed, never cried, never drooled and I am probably jinxing myself by telling you all of this because he only has like 20 something more teeth to come in. So that was a big way to start the month! The month that he turns 6 months old! So cliche, but they literally do grow up so fast!

Believe it or not we had two parties to attend in Ebenezer, MS population 5 during the long 4th of July weekend. Hill attended his first Haffey 4th of July bash on Saturday the 3rd. Tons of our friends were there and it was SUPER hot outside. We swam, ate and watched slip and slide kickball all afternoon. Fun was definitely had by all.

Then Sunday the 4th the Samples’ who are always gracious enough to host the annual Allen reunion (Chip’s moms’ side,) for family as well as family friends that might as well be related! What good, loving people we know – we are so blessed. Hill got lots of kisses and attention that day! Can’t wait until next year when he can run around on the farm and play with the animals.

Monday the 5th was a holiday and we just lounged around the house only to crank our week back up on Tuesday full force. By Thursday Hill was sent home from daycare with a rash. We think maybe he was allergic to peaches, but are still unsure. He never ran fever but his white blood cell count was a bit elevated. His daddy stayed home with him and they pretty much played all day. Just for safety sake we didn’t send him to daycare Friday so Mrs. Cornelia came and cared for him. I’m not sure who was more excited to see who! Hill loves his Nene and Nene loves her some Hill. They had a great day together. I always enjoy it when Nene comes too because my house is clean when I come home. Yay for some Nene!

Chip’s 15 year high school reunion was on Saturday the 10th. Our friends Elizabeth (Steele) Kaiser and her hubby and sweet Ava came to town. Ava is like a week younger than Hill and is just a precious doll. We went to the family thing in the park, but Chip didn’t want to go to the reunion that night. 
Here is Ella Baird feeding Hill at the Mexican restaurant for lunch.  He later spit up on her hand and she FLIPPED OUT crying because "HE THREW UP ON ME!"  Sweet girl, such a mother hen.

It was fine by me that Chip didn't want to go to the reunion, not that I would have minded going but you never want to be somewhere Chip Hawkins does not want to be. He is not fun and therefore you do not have fun. That is one of those marriage things that you pick your battles. If you see me somewhere Chip is not, it’s because I don’t make him do things he’s not up for. You can thank me when you see me for sparing you. Anyway, Chip planned his own party out at Al Bell’s cabin. Yes, that did come out right. He planned and hosted a party at someone else’s place. Al doesn’t mind because he showed up later after the reunion but it cracks me up. A few of them that didn’t go hung out and grilled out all afternoon without Al, at his cabin. Hill and I went out there later, but I had to hit the hay early because I was leaving for Jimmy Buffett at 8:00 am that next morning.

Sunday the 11th was Jimmy Buffett (See Post) and when I got home Hill was asleep on his stomach. After I flipped out, I flipped him over to his back just for him to roll back over to his stomach. Hill was officially rolling over….even in his sleep.

Monday the 12th was Hill's 6 month birthday and my first day as our local Rotary Clubs vice president. Rotary means a lot to me personally and it’s an extreme honor to be the incoming president for next year.

Wednesday the 14th Hill had his 6 month pictures with Sukie. (See Post) I still stare at them daily and want to eat up my little munchkin and his sweet smile.

Thursday the 15th Nana (Chip’s step mom), Hill and I drove to Memphis to see Dr. Shell for Hill’s 3 month post surgery check up. Can you believe it has been 3 months since his procedure? Man, I’m not sure I’ve completely shaken off the emotional toll it took on me knowing (and not knowing) what my baby had to endure. Anyway, Dr. Shell said that Hill looked great! I asked about his nostrils and their size and placement. He said he may have to have another surgery, but as we knew already the nose continues to grow so he said that wouldn’t be anything we would do until he is maybe 3 years old, if needed. Before I could ask about the pink of his lips matching up and flowing more uniform he assured me that from this point forward it will still continue to come together and smooth out. Same with the scar tissue, it will soften and become more ‘normal’ looking. He said everything is on track. He felt so good about it that we set our next appointment for 3 months away in October! You go little man! Such a trooper!

Friday the 16th after work Chip, Hill and I headed to Diamondhead to the condo. This was Hill’s fourth trip to the MS gulf coast since his birth in January. Al and Hambone (Al’s protégé Jason Johnson) met us there so they could fish with Chippy. Hill and I went to the Lazy Magnolia Micro Brewery in Kiln, MS which is literally like 8 miles from the condo. Now, now…do not gasp for fear that my son has been subjected to the likes of the devils liquid. Plus, in Mississippi it is illegal to sample the beer. We went on an educational tour of what all goes into making the products, marketing, being an entrepreneur, etc. I really enjoyed it. It was HOT, but Hill never once fussed. There was another little girl there becoming cultured and I swear the mom said she was 2 months old, but she looked bigger than that. Anyway, we had a good time.
They bottle their own beer and stamp the labels on in house too.

The beer sits in these distillers for a week before rotating in a new batch
Mom, this is so educational. 
I don't care that it's 6,000 degrees in this warehouse.
Then since the big guys were fishing Hill took me on a date to our favorite restaurant, The Jordan River Steamer. It was just me and my bugga boo. We watched The Three Stooges on the projector screen outside as we waited for our table. Once we were seated the owner came to our table to speak and couldn’t believe how much Hill had grown! They are the nicest people ever. Hill has been going there since he was 13 days old. We didn’t go to the coast in February or June but they have seen him every month. I had my same ol’ same ol’ that I order EVERY TIME. The potato crusted redfish with lumped crab meat and béarnaise sauce over grilled asparagus. Yum! Wish I was eating that right now. The waitress brought Hill some crackers and I attempted to let him try them, but then I flipped out when it broke off in his mouth and felt the need to gag him with my finger trying to scoop the piece out. Yup, don’t try new things when you are by yourself in public places. Bad idea. I ate and was ready because Hill was becoming a wiggle worm that didn’t want to hang out like a good boy in his stroller. He wanted to sit in my lap and drop his book on the floor repeatedly so I could pick it up….repeatedly. Hill was a cheap date he didn’t even eat the crackers. Ha! By the time we got home Daddy and his friends were there and the little boy was tuckered out from his big day at the brewery and taking his mommy on a date.

We left the coast Sunday and Chip came home Monday. This gave us just enough time to prepare for the Tuesday afternoon arrival of our favorite MAMA LOU! Yayayy! Mama Lou came and I was the chuffer for the week. From the time I picked her up from the airport until I dropped her off at the airport she sat in the back seat with Hill. They played, sang, clapped and laughed a whole whole lot! Hill adores his Mama Lou and I’m 100% sure the feeling is mutual. My buddy skipped school Wednesday through Friday to play with Mama Lou. That Lucky Duck!

Wednesday the 21st he got his 6 month shots where he came in weighing 17lbs 11oz and measuring 25 inches. He was in the 50th percentile in everything but his noggin which is in the 75th percentile. He and Mama Lou almost have the same size head (which is extremely funny if you know my mom.) Hill has a 44 inch round head and Mama Lou has a 47 inch round head. He got his shots from Mrs. Matthews because Mrs. Leigh Ann was on vacation. He cried and cried until I picked him up and then it was like a light switch no tears, I’m good, carry on. Dr. Carter is wonderful. I love him and his wife, Sharon. They are fabulous people. I love how he spends time with us like he doesn’t have to be anywhere else except for answering my 6,000 ridiculous first time mother questions. Hill was given Zantac for his acid reflux and a cream for the yeast infection on his bum. I hate the boy had a rash on his tiny hiney, but I was glad it wasn’t anything to do with diapers. I had been going round and round with diapers and finding something that worked! Huggies leaks, pampers Dry Max has the chemical burn stuff that gave him a rash and Luvs to me felt like wrapping him in a plastic Wal-Mart sack. Finally I’d found pampers baby dry which seems to be doing alright knock on wood….but then he came up with this rash! Dr. Carter said it’s from the moisture in his diaper coupled with this ridiculous heat outside. It’s a haven for funky hiney and not the new diapers. Yay! I thought I was going to have to potty train him at 6 months old. My buddy got a great check up and since we divide up shots we’d head back the following week for round two.

Mama Lou and Hill continued to play until Saturday afternoon she taught him many songs, dances and how to play the piano. Then Saturday we had to take her back to her house at the airport. We figure Hill will probably think that the airport is Mama Lou’s house. We pick her up there and drop her off there. We are going to show him her house in October when we fly to Texas for the first time.

While we were in Jackson we bought some child proofing foam strips. This is all I could figure out to do for our ROCK hearth to the fireplace. It's an accident waiting to happen. Jagged Rocks everywhere. Great. Any suggestions from veteran baby proofers?

Sunday the 25th was our friend Harvey’s baptism at the Presbyterian Church. We didn’t put Hill in the nursery and he was so good! Chip and I were the disruptive ones! Hill really liked the music and would sway and dance and Chip and I were crying we were trying not to laugh. He would rock when the music was fast, then he’d slow down when the music slowed down. He’s a dancer. After church Chip said “That boy had the Holy Spirit in him!” I told him that it’s a good thing that we didn’t go to the Baptist church today with Hill needing to dance….they’d have kicked us out!

Allen, JJ & Harvey Warrington
Sweet Harvey's Baptism
Monday the 26th I got a call from daycare that Hill was in his exer-saucer right next to the teacher and the other teacher looked over at him and he had blood running down out of his nose. He wasn’t crying, he wasn’t aware there was a problem….just bleeding. They cleaned him up and didn’t see any wound and of course they immediately called me. I went up there and was unable to tell if anything had separated because it was on the side of his nose that he had to have repaired. I called the plastic surgeon, Dr. Shell, who asked if I could come in. They were worried that since after his surgery he had the accident with the stroller that the scar tissue was soft and may separate. I truly didn’t think that was the situation, but what do I know about surgical procedures? I asked if I could go to our pediatrician to have him look at it before I jumped in the car and drove 3 hours for it to be a non emergency. Dr. Shell approved and that was a good thing. Dr. Carter looked at the area and said he must have scratched the raw scar tissue with his finger nail which caused it to bleed. He didn’t cry because that area under his nose probably doesn’t have much feeling due to the surgery and scar tissue. Dr. Carter understood why Dr. Shell wanted Hill to head to Memphis because he had done extensive repair work on my baby and it’s not your average surgical procedure or stitch here and your done type thing. That made me feel better knowing that Dr. Carter and Dr. Shell were on the same page and didn’t belittle the situation and the procedures my son has been through. LOVE YOU FELLAS!

So, while we were at the clinic we got the second round of Hill’s shots. He didn’t cry but for 2 seconds. Big boy!

The week of the 26th Hill pretty much perfected his sitting up. He’d been sitting up when you place him on his bum, but had been wobbly and would topple over…which scared him, and me. He still prefers to stand up on his strong legs and repeatedly pull my hair out of my head at any opportunity given. He especially loves his daddy’s chest hair and glasses.
Yummy Toys!
He is trying so hard to crawl.  He's almost there.  This is him trying to reach Foster. 
Foster's face cracks me up.  It's kind of Kermit the Frog-ish.
I love you big brown buddy.  I will touch your funny toenails.
So, since Monday the 26th was a whirl wind that lead to Tuesday through Thursday being super long and drawn out because we were so anxious to head to Oxford Friday after work. Friday the 30th was probably the longest day in America. I woke up ready for it to be 5:30 pm and to hit the road for our fun filled weekend! There were a ton of us going to the Pettit’s condo; me, Chip, Hill, Whitney, Tanner & Hart Pettit, Kayla, Jack & Jason Vance, Jason & Gena Pope, then JJ, Harvey and Allen Warrington would show up Saturday morning. We got there Friday night around 7:30, just in time for our reservations at 8:00 to eat at Snack Bar. Please do yourself a favor and order the lobster mac & cheese. There are no words. I had the roasted chicken with parmesan grits. It was awesome, but Kayla let me eat on her lobster mac & cheese. Wow. I will be ordering that and nothing else from now on. After dinner we stayed up way to late and had way too much fun only to gather ourselves Saturday for a fun day of lunch and shopping on the Square. We went to Square Books Jr. HOW FUN! I got Hill a bunch of cute books and a Square Books Jr. T-shirt. My how times have changed because I think it is officially my favorite store on the Square since Jewels By Annette closed down. BUT my new favorite store off of the Square is LuLu’s. My friends Corinne and her sister Lindsey just opened a shoe shop and it is fabulous! I got a cute pair of shoes that I think I have worn every day since I bought them, a LuLu’s tshirt and a purse pouch thing that is great for helping me organize my purse to Hill’s diaper bag. Corinne & Lindsey got them some Hill lovin’ until he zonked out while Mrs. Lindsey was holding him to take his afternoon nap.

Since it was Hilly poos nap time we headed back to the condo and made a grocery list for dinner. For dinner it would be the 14 people I mentioned above plus Amanda, Bishop & Leon friends of JJ’s from Fulton, MS and my friends Susan and Daniel with their precious boy Sullivan and then Kent and Corinne with their two kids Charles and Elise (LuLu). If Hill has half the manners that Charles & Elise do then I will be in good shape. Those kiddos are the best, and pretty dang adorable. So, in a house with 21 people and I forgot to mention….the air was broken. The guy came Saturday afternoon, but there was not enough time to cool down the house while 21 people were in and out, ovens cooking pineapple casserole and marinated asparagus with the hot grill outside cooking pork chops. I think it was registering 90 degrees on the first floor in the house? Oddly enough it never once bothered me. It was hot, but I was having such a good time it was not even the subject of conversation.

left to right: Harvey, Hill, Bishop & Jack
Yes, that is Hill pushing Harvey.
He hasn't really learned the art of 'sharing'.

Harvey being a sweet boy, as always.
Jack showing Hill how to play with the book.
(Or maybe that is Hill taking the book away from Jack?)
left to right: Hill, Harvey, Jack
Harvey eating the book and Hill wanting in on the action.
Handsome Jack (below)

The Vance Family
Jason, Jack & Kayla
Wonderful Mrs. Whitney, Hill & Tan Man
Precious Sullivan and Hill playing book and being adorable

Sweet innocent blue eyed boy.
Tanner sporting his Eli Manning jersey.

I loved that my awesome Oxford friends got to co-mingle with my awesome Kosciusko friends. Corinne said that she loved my friends so much they make her want to live in Kosciusko. She is also concerned for Kosciusko in 15 years with all of these boys! YAY for all of my friends and double yay for all of us having boys that are around the same age. Crazy and cheesy, I know.

I think Hill learned a lot from the bigger boys. Tanner is walking around and Jack is slithering around and Harvey took his first crawling adventure that Saturday. Hill strengthened his sitting up ability. He’s pretty much good to go with sitting up. If he falls over it’s usually forward onto his stomach instead of backwards to bop his head. Go buddy! He's able to say Mama and DaDa clearly when queued, but he has not made the association of what it means. He is good at clasping his hand as to say bye bye and when I say bye bye he knows to do his hand...just sometimes towards himself.

Thanks, Pettit’s and friends for the best weekend ever!

What a way to wrap up our eventful month!
Katie Lou & Chippy cuddling after a BUSY month

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