Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Hold Please.....

Sorry for the delay!  There has been no birthing of the baby...yet.  I go back Monday for a sonogram and doctor appointment then I am scheduled for a c section on Tuesday January 12th.
As wonderful as it is that I can plan and be more prepared and organize with my family when to be here I had to fight a few personal deamons.  I'm better now, but will not lie that I was really upset that I have had no dilation no nothing to make any of this happen on my own.  The fact that I've grown such a big baby seemingly makes me ineligible to birth this baby.

I will fill you all in on how the appointment went and try to remeber and replay my whacked out dream last night about Dr. North and how he turned into some really big weird-o that went postal on me from a random FaceBook post.  Maybe I didn't fight all these deamons?  Maybe I need more rest?


Wifetastic said...

Lindsey had a dream I was stalking to kill her last night. She wins. I'm betting on 8'5" for the Hillster!

Jennifer said...

You can see the finish line! Hang in there you. So ready to meet Hill! But not as ready as you I know ...

Princess Abigail said...

I will be thinking of you tomorrow! Enjoy meeting your little Prince!!

Alison in France
The Bernard Bunch