Wednesday, April 29, 2009

No such luck

I had full intentions of updating what my page looks like, but have not had the opportunity.

Maybe when I update the format I can upload the before pictures of the 'new' boat. No after just yet because she's not done!

Chip and I have worked really hard on making her pur-dy. Chip took the upholstery to Jackson yesterday to be redone. This go round I am not doing it myself....I want everything done right. It's not like I didn't recover the seats right on the old boat, but it was not any type of fancy tuck and roll job. More like fold staple then staple again and then maybe again over here. This is Chip's dream boat and I don't want it rigged up.

I did put a little elbow grease on her last night, Step 3 of the 3 step shine process, and I think I need to go back again and do step 2 a couple times and then go onto step 3. When we got her the paint was not a bit shiny - more like a big blob cloud. You will see what I am talking about once I upload pictures. You have to have vision. Most all of my friends are creative so either you will think we are on drugs or see the same beauty we do!

We don't know how red-neck-ish it would be if we named her. We want something quirky and fun. I'm up for suggestions....maybe we can have a contest once she is finished.

Well, we are going to New Orleans this weekend to hang out with my brother and his lady friend. Maybe hit up the Jazz Fest, maybe not. It will be great fun to play with the always ridiculously stupid Jason. Should be in for a good time! I will try to remember my camera so I can get evidence of the silliness!

Don't know if I will talk to you guys again until I return. If not, have a safe weekend!

Friday, April 24, 2009


I think I have been in a coma for a few months....but don't worry - I am now awake. I am caught up on everyones blogs and feel like I have missed half of their lives. One friend got married, two friends are traveling, one friend is expecting her first baby, one friend had her baby baptized and one friend hosted a nice Easter party and does fun creative stuff with her kids all the time.

I on the other hand am boring.
I can think of a couple of fun things though like I have lost 25 lbs. We had our 3 year anniversary. We sold our boat but just to buy another one a couple of weeks later. I cut Katie's ears short - they are like cute tiny nubs, she looks funny but don't tell her. I went to TX to visit family (fun to see them, not fun occasion). I did some yard work. Bought a pressure washer - it's like TIVO, how did I live without it before?
Oh yeah, and then the best thing that has happened to me in 3 Chippy is home! The hell you say! It's true. My husband, the guy that after 6 months of marriage became my weekend husband while he worked far far away to bring home the bacon during the week will now be providing local bacon. He's baaaccckkkk...not in some frightening horror movie tone but in the shout it from the roof tops glee "he's baacckkk!"
It's fun with my Chippy home. It's like we are married, what a concept. We get to hang out all the time and talk and do productive things around the house and I can still go to bed early. It's a dream come true! I am still having to learn about sharing the bed with one more person because me, Foster, Foxy and Katie have called dibs on the king size bed for forever now. The pups are like, who do you think you are sleeping on my side of the bed? They get put out about it.
Anyway, Hubby has opened up an independent firm and since times are slow it's the opportune time to take a few classes since he only lacks a few hours to have a degree in finance, his specialty. So until transition is complete yours truly from Truly My Life will be bringing home the proverbial bacon.
I love reminds me of Jim Gaffigans' latest stand up from King Baby. Since I do not have access to youtube at my current locale please make a point to go and google - Jim Gaffigan bacon. You will not regret it.
I miss you all and will try to be more involved in your lives. Please don't disconnect me from your links on your blog. I will try to get out of my coma.